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Gret! Happy it came through! Thanks for all your work. - Maja
Great!! Happy it came through! Thanks for your work :-) - Maja
Great cause and great result. Fiona
This is an astonishing project and Chris Lavy is an astonishing person. This project deserves to be a success.
What an amazing campaign transforming lives. Well done. Good luck
Fabulous project, increases sustainability through building capacity for countries to meet their own training needs. Hope the final 20K comes in tonight!
Very please that you reached the minimum target but hope more money flows in. The concept is brilliant and hopefully it could be extended to other conditions (modifying the treatment to make it more suitable for applying to a third world country). Brilliant work and I hope it all goes as planned.
a great cause chris
Brilliant news on reaching your target! Wonderful to see the support for this project.
Wonderful news...those last minutes were scary.
Great Cause Best wishes
Really pleased you have reached your first target
Brilliant news that you've reached your minimum target. Lets hope more will follow. Well done
Yeah!! Congratulations on reaching your target. Stella and Co at C-Pro x
Hope you get to your target - best wishes with such a valuable project
I hope you get the funding necessary! Worthy cause =)
My husband and daughter were both born with Clubfoot and we were very grateful to the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford for the treatment they received which has enabled them to lead a normal life. We would like to help this project go ahead in order that children in Africa can receive the benefits of a team who have been trained in this field.
A worthy cause. Best of luck in the last few days.
Hope the target is reached.
A very worthy cause; I hope you reach your target!
As someone born with club foot in the 70's, I know all too well the importance of early treatment. I had mine fixed by an operation as a baby and learnt to walk, run and dance like any other child. It is so sad that children in other parts of the world suffer a horrible disability when there is an easy fix available. The work you guys are doing in Africa is admirable; long may it continue!
Not the easiest way of donating
Happy to support
Hope you get to your target! Our twitter handle is @anatomystuff if you would like to keep in touch.
Well done to everyone
Well done Chris. Excellent work and best wishes to all involved
Thank you for your kind comments, we appreciate the support!
Dear Chris (Lavy) and Tim (Theologis) Thank you for bringing this to our attention, it's a fantastic project, we're delighted to support it and we really hope you can hit your target. Keeping our fingers crossed.
I was born with this, but as I was born in Norway my parents were instructed to stretch my feet three times every day, and now I can walk, run and play football like anyone. I wish this was the case everywhere.
This sounds like a wonderful project hence my donation. I wish it every success. Please let me know what happens. Thank you Amanda
“I can relate with this very well. My mum tells me they discovered as I was growing up that I had a rare condition on the foot. The foot was twisting upside down everytime they tried to make me stand. They took me to the physical therapist who told them my bones -foot and leg- can't really meet all they need is an L-shaped Plaster of Palace on my small leg for three years. Everytime I go to bed they have to use it on me with a bandage to ensure the small " shoe" doesn't fall. They should twist my leg every morning and now and then to make sure the bones are meeting, glueing and growing in the right direction. They did this for three years. When my leg grew bigger a new " shoe" would be made for me. The hospital was far - early 80z! Today I walk, run, jump name it including enjoying high heeled shoes!! Great idea keep it up NDORMS!! We need more awareness on this.” - Star Supini
“This is indeed a great project.Our clinic sent two children and they are amongst the children pictured in the photo. Indeed children who have been treated can live a normal life.” - Bertha Ndhlozi
“This is a great project. I think I was there when this video clip of small children (all who had been treated for clubfoot) was shot in Malawi. Truly a great day. If you can spare any money towards this cause then please pledge it now. It will be carefully used and many lives will be changed forever.” - Stuart Palmer
What a great cause!
What a wonderful project - well done!
Good luck with this fantastic project. I hope you reach your £70,000 target.
Thank you, Suzanne, we appreciate your support! All the best, Chris
I'm a former patient of NOC having received treatment for club feet as was my Dad. Wishing you luck with the fund raising go a this worthwhile project.
This is s very good project which will give the gift of walking to many children
Thank you, Hilary, for your message of support! ‘I was born with clubfoot affecting both of my feet but the right foot was markedly worse than the left. I was fortunate to be born in a country where treatment is available and action was taken from birth to begin a process to correct my condition so that I would be able to walk normally. I have always been aware that without the treatments I received my life would have been very different. I would have been substantially disabled and possibly unable to walk or barely so. Because of my treatment I was able to participate normally in school, enjoy sports, though not excel in them, climb mountains, count hiking as one of my hobbies, and enjoy dancing. I also love gardening and have been able to do home decorating, my own housework and stand many hours to cook countless meals. All these normal activities might have been almost impossible without the early treatment I received for my feet. To give training to doctors to train others in providing the Ponseti treatment for clubfoot is life changing for thousands of children and it is so very sad that there are still places in the world where the expertise to provide this treatment is not yet available. The Africa Clubfoot Training Project seeks to rectify that situation in Africa and is able to make the world of difference for children born with clubfoot if enough money can be raised to launch it. Please consider making a contribution to help them do it.’
Well done - this project will make a big difference to a lot of people across Africa
wonderful project - hope you get to the total
This is an amazing project which really does make a change for good in the future for children born with clubfoot. By eliminating their deformity they can lead a normal life alongside their families and friends.
Hope this project gets quickly underway
Brilliant work! Very excited for your new endeavour.
Great work - such a big difference!
This has been such an inspiring project to be part of - it's been a truly international team ( over 70 people) working together on creating these resources, so that clubfoot training and treatment across Africa is transformed. We just got back from Rwanda, where the visiting team (including Chris Lavy and Tim Theologis from the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre,Oxford) delivered the new materials in French for the first time. We received fantastic support and really helpful feedback from the 16 clubfoot trainers from 7 francophone countries in Africa. Please join us, and help us train more people, so more children with clubfoot can get the treatment they need!
We are so excited about this campaign to raise funds to help train more people to treat more children born with clubfoot. Thanks to our friends and partners across the region, we’ve developed fantastic clubfoot training resources that we can’t wait to roll out to all the places where right now children can’t get the treatment they need. This would totally transform the lives of so many children and their families. Please support us in sharing our message and giving to help reach our goal of £100k!
Well done Chris and all the team